Cory and Brad
Sometimes the first few years of a nurses career are the most vivid. Like the time I collected my first 24 hour urine sample. By the end of the shift I had about 20 of those clear plastic 8 oz pee sample cups stacked neatly in the fridge placed in the weird brown shelf-thing the lab had sent up to house them in. The nurse I gave report to giggled as she showed me how the brown shelf-thingie actually turned into a big JUG when you expanded it!!! I was supposed to pour the pee in the big brown jug, not collect little pee cups. And my poor patient who was interrupting their urine stream trying to fill cup after cup! I was shown that the upside down sailor's cap was actually a urine vestibule that fit in the back of the toilet so the patient did not have to perform the small cup ritual over and over and risk getting their hand drenched in their own urine. WHEW!!! Luckily my patient giggled too. My patient was a lady dealing with end-stage renal disease and she needed all the la...