Quilt squares
It is hard to know if the experiences in your life are regular ones or perhaps irregular ones. It is easy and perhaps erroneous to assume we all travel the same path, learn the same lessons and see the same things. Working in the public sector for over 25 years, I am very aware that while people, in general, share similar hopes, dreams, and desires, the way to achieve these things is as varied as the patterns on a patchwork quilt. God weaves the design in our lives in expert fashion, bringing as many squares, or people, into our quilt as he can, thus enhancing, strengthening and binding our quilts in his loving hands. The resulting quilt is colorful and vibrant. I work with some of the world's most trusted individuals. In public polls, nurses always seem to be at the top of the list for one of the world's most trusted professions. Over the years, occasionally a person will ask why or how I have continued to work considering the needs of my family are so great....