"Would You Rather"
"Would you rather have your thumb amputated or your big toe?" "Neither! I like all my toes and fingers to stay where they are, thank you!" "Hey, that's not how the game is played, " my youngest daughter complained as we made our way around the block. We sometimes played the game "Would You Rather" when we took strolls around the neighborhood as it made the time pass quicker and there was not as much complaining about exercising. "I know, but I don't like thinking about parts of my body being sliced off," the older sibling reasoned. "Let's stick to other subjects. Like would you rather be stranded on a desert island or in an Antartica bunker?" "Ok. ok! I guess an island because there would be more to eat maybe, like coconuts!" As I listened to my kids' spar back and forth, my mind drifted back to a recent episode at work. My patient felt like she was in the "Would you rather...