
Showing posts from August, 2023

August 2023 BGAC

This is the first installment of "The BGAC Family Monthly Newsletter". I will add more ACRONYMS as the family grows! Budge,Goodwin,Albright,Crystal! HAHAHA! I absolutely love our growing family! August 2023 has been a busy month, as usual, and as the summer comes to a close, I am so very grateful and thankful for family! Lauren is keeping busy with her job working for Morgan and Morgan (law firm) and I love how she keeps us in the loop about trending dangers(example: be careful cuz the floors at Walmart are very slick and you might fall and have to sue). She was nominated as agent of the month in June and we are SO proud of her and know she makes a difference in the lives of the less fortunate! She went to a concert by the group GHOST in SLC and her videos reminded me a little bit about the movie EUROVISION with Will Farrell!!! This European style of music still relies heavily upon accoustic techno and I believe this plucks my "80's" roots and makes me want...

Trash Can Hero

There was a guy named Nathanael in biblical times. Not a lot is known about his background or profession, but he did have a friend named Philip. One day his Philip comes by his house and says, "Hey, Nate, why don't you come with me and we will go see this super cool rabbi. He might even be the chosen one and he is from Nazareth. Nathanel says, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Perhaps this meant Nazareth was not the most popular place back then and might have even been known as one of those arm-pit sorts of towns like Barstow, California😅???? Anyhow, despite his misgivings Nathanael still agrees to go. Surprisingly,  when the rabbi  "Jesus" sees Nathanael he acts like they already know each other and he  says,"Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile!" Nathanael is stunned and replies, “Whence knowest Thou me?” Nathanael did not remember having met Jesus before, so he was probably shocked when Christ acts like he knows him. Jesus...