Driving Lessons
Dear Daddy, I think you better get down here quick. "Sweet Tomatoes " has added a breakfast menu on the weekends!If you get here during the week,instead of the weekend, you could always enjoy their tomato basil soup and creamy Rosemary. They have been serving baked sweet potatoes too and they are delicious. We took Dani there today after her driver's test. We forgot to have her practice parallel parking enough so she will have to try again. There are always a few of your golden nuggets of driving instructions that creep into my brain when I am driving with Dani. Some of these can be translated into life lessons too! 1."keep both hands on the steering wheel and you will not be tempted to lose concentration by doing things with your hands besides driving" ,could also be interpreted to the importance of maintaining focus in our modern world of distractions. 2."Only swerve for humans and deer. Run over everything else" .This lesson requires a lit...