Liberty Bell
I am sorry I missed writing last week. Traveling back East while still working full-time just set me back a few days. I am still unpacking. The trip was bitter-sweet as memories from childhood vacations swept in , but the reason we were back there, for the loss of Scott, unfortunately made the bitter a little more tangible than the sweet.
The liberty bell is still cracked just like it was back in 3rd grade when our family went on that 21-state tour in the belly of the gross-dragon( the bus converted into a motor home) with the Smith family.
We were not planning on visiting the Liberty bell or Independence Hall on our trip back East to Dave brother's funeral, but our niece had a doctors appointment just a few blocks from Independence square so we decided just to "pop over".
I enjoyed seeing the bell again and Dave and I thought it was neat it was an exhibit that was free to the public. The Liberty Bell has been a symbol of freedom for centuries. I had forgotten that because of the cracks the bell can no longer ring.
We visited a museum that had antiquated toothbrushes and China serving pieces. Now maybe the human mouth was different back in the 1700's, as those toothbrushes look enormous. Or maybe people had really, really bad teeth so they needed more bristles to brush. Either way, some of those toothbrushes looked like they could double as hair brushes too.
We saw the gift shop that Dani and Alyssa went through on their trip back East last summer. I wanted to buy the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump socks but settled on a fridge magnet. I wonder who Abigail Goodwin was??I read she was part of the underground railroad that helped free slaves. I remember when we found that Goodwin relative from Pearl Harbor and you ended up being able to find some genealogy work to do on his line. I am telling you about this Abigail Goodwin person in case a similar find would follow.
Scott's service was a celebration of life and not a funeral. I do not like funerals so this celebration of life seemed a lot more amiable. It was the best possible solution for a devastating time. We all felt his loss deeply, but reviewing the way he lived made things a little more bearable. There were a lot of people there ; friends , family, colleagues and even some of his patients who he had helped over the years. The setting at a remote vineyard was quite picturesque. Soft classical piano music played in the background while we all gathered to remember Scott. They served little cucumber sandwiches, grapes, cheese and, of course wine. Dave and I sampled everything ,but the wine, and we would have been content to simply snack on our cheese and grapes, but on two different occasions, a wine-sodden guest mistook our plate for theirs and devoured our cheese and grapes. Dave and I giggled as both times the guilty parties stumbled up the stairs, having to lean on the railing for support and dropped little crumbs of cheese. They even sat on our chairs and drank our sodas even after we left programs to save our places while we spoke to relatives. I do not know if I am missing out much by not being a consumer of alcohol. Unfortunately, it seems to regress the human mind back to the days of toddler-hood when everyone's plate and drink were municipal property.
On the way back to Vegas, we had a lay-over in Chicago. We had to stay at the airport, but we did have time to sample some of the delectable Chicago food. Mannys' Deli was a favorite when I worked at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago and I was pleased to find they had a station at the airport. Dave and I had a 50/50(half pastrami and half corned beef) and something called a potato pancake. Best served with appleasuce or sour cream.
Well, nothing is much different in Vegas. Lauren and Hyatt will be moving back in with us in November so they can save up for a house. Lauren graduates from CNA school November 1st and she will be looking for a job. We are proud of her tenacity. They had to contact a lawyer to try to get back their car. It was towed back to the dealership after it broke down this last time, but then the dealership declared bankruptcy and all their assets were impounded including Lauren and Hyatt's car that was on the lot.
Syd continues to get straight A grades in her college class and we are all in awe. I know it is just the beginning, but we realize we are witnessing yet another miracle in our lives and we thank the good Lord everyday for his loving kindness. She volunteers at the hospital in the morning and then works on her homework in the afternoon. She is an inspiration.
Alyssa is plugging away at school. It is HARD. They immerse those kids in deep subjects immediately. Dave and I realized while helping her studying for her fist test in anatomy and physiology that some of the nomenclature we did not see until we reached biochemistry. We skyped a study session, but we are so rusty we do not know if it helped or not.
The younger two girls are fun as always and keep us busy. They are picking out Halloween costumes today. Georgia and Fluffy have not decided on their Halloween costumes yet, but I told Georgia she should give up her dream of being a vampire since her dental work is so bad those fake teeth would never fit in her mouth. Fluffy might be a ghost. She is already half-way there, appearing underfoot from out of nowhere and tripping us up.
Love you!
Come see us soon!
Dave,Coley and girls
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