Sticks and Stones
I am writing again! If nothing else, maybe it will improve my keyboarding skills. My brain must be set up in an unusual fashion because my keyboarding skill with my left hand is much quicker than with my right hand. I feel like with my right hand I am always reaching more for letters. I am pretty nervous about a new job I started. It requires a lot of time on the computer and I am old and not as good with my keyboarding skills as I would like to be. In twenty seven years of nursing, I have mostly worked for non-profit or university hospitals. It has taken me a long time to realize the non-profit hospitals are more interested in serving the community at large and even in enacting safe and prudent protocols and procedures. I do not think the way I was trained would ever have been reconciled to the "for profit" mentality of providing healthcare. So, after almost seven years with a for-profit hospital, I have switched back ...