Do you know who you are - little child of mine
So precious and dear to me?
Do you know you're a part of a great design
That is vast as eternity?
Can you think for a moment how much depends
On your holding the "Iron Rod"?
Your life is forever - worlds without end
Do you know you're a child of God?

Do you know where you've been little child of mine?
It is hard to recall, I know;
Do you ever remember that Home divine
With the Father who loves you so?
Do you sometimes review how He took your hand
And placed it within my own,
Saying, "Here is a child from Angel-land--
Not a gift, but a precious loan"?
 Ora Pate Stewart 1964

My grandmother Elaine would always tear up when she heard this song.  Her old piano in the basement was a little out of tune, but that did not dim the strength nor the beauty of the song.  It was the only song I ever heard her play and perhaps the only one she knew. Like the beautiful life she lived, however, this song was a sort of anthem that she lived by. Her life was dedicated fully "To A CHILD"

 As a little girl, I KNEW I was her favorite. After all, she would always hug me, let me play in her pantry closet, raid her fridge and laugh at about everything I said as she actually listened intently. Then, as I grew, I noticed "THE WALL".
"What are all those pictures grandma?"I queried as I looked at a whole wall in her living room that was filled top to bottom with pictures of faces.
"Those are my kids!"
I suddenly felt a twinge of what I can only term "envy" swelling up in my heart. Where did all these people come from? Were they really her kids? How could one person have SO many children and really keep track of ALL of them.  I had never done it before, but after that, I asked my brothers and sisters about Grandma. I had always assumed I was just her favorite, but sure enough, my brothers and sisters reported that my grandma also hugged them, laughed with them and let them play in mysterious corners of her house and property.  At first I was disappointed, but soon I was asking about all the faces on "The Wall".  Some were cousins I had met and she spoke of them lovingly and updated me on what they were doing and their activities.  As she spoke, her voice took on a special quality and her eyes sparkled with pride. Some faces I had never met, but these were even more special. These were Grandma's adopted kids. Some were neighbor kids that needed a place to hang out. They found a safe haven under my grandparents roof and plenty of candy in grandpa's candy drawer.
One girl in particular, always found solace in the arms of my grandmother.  This girl had been born after a difficult delivery and was the same age as my mother.  She was deemed "slow" or not as smart as her peers and was sometimes not treated well in her home. Grandma and my mom always treated her as an equal and as a peer.  At my Grandma's funeral, perhaps this woman cried more than anyone else, as my grandma was just like a mother to her. 
 When they sold Grandma's home after her funeral, I wanted SO much to keep the WALL alive, but I doubt the new owners would have liked a clause in the sales contract that included preserving a wall of fame of unknown faces. Today, when I think of my grandma, I find I miss "The Wall" and grandma's rendition of her kids the most.  Now, instead of just talking about her kids, she acts as a guardian angel watching over ALL her kids far and wide.
  A couple of years ago, I had a dream of Grandma Elaine. It was so real I thought she had really come to see me. I was so relieved to see her as I thought she had passed away! "Grandma! WOW! I thought you were dead! What a relief, I said to myself. Not only was she not dead, but she looked wonderful and vibrant and  alive. She did not say anything, but just grabbed me and held me in one of her famous hugs. As she did so, she communicated to me power and strength through her embrace. She spoke to me with her mind and told me that I would need to be very strong, but that she had come to help me. I do not know if I ave ever had a dream like that before or since. At the time it all seemed quite normal that she should come see me and help me, but when I woke up, I immediately realized how unusual the whole experience was.  I worried that someone I loved was going to die . I called my parents and they were OK.   Later that day, one of my children became very ill.  The circumstances and events that started that very day did not resolve until nearly 18 months later.  EVERYDAY I thought about grandma's hug and thought how in despair I would have been without Grandma's visit that night.  

With four of our five children having neurological issues, we have relied on earthly AND heavenly help on our journey.  I used to think that the scripture that talks about the earth being smitten with a curse if we don't turn our hearts to our fathers and them to us, had to do more with the saving ordinances of the temple. Now, after my experience with guardian angels, I KNOW my own life would have at least been smitten with despair, disbelief and utter chaos without the assistance of my guardian angel grandparents. Even though  "The Wall",is gone, Grandma has replaced it with a broader and grander mission I did not even know was possible. Her reach is everywhere, her kindness permeates past barriers of space and time, her love is everlasting.  


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