CTNAM..comment to new autism momma

Back when ABA with one more B was a rock band, PANDAS were bears in a zoo and CHAD was simply my brother, my husband and I discovered we had girls on the spectrum.  Our oldest was 12 at the time and we had been told it was ADD(there was that diagnosis back then). We missed out on early interventions simply because it was too early for even the word ASPERGER'S to be floating around. That being said, we made huge steps forward after neuropsychological testing that showed areas of sensory deficits.  For our kids, any program that dealt with their sensory needs helped immensely.  It was worth a trip to a pediatric geneticist to look at that portion. Two of our kids had psychosis from seizures so the neurologist was helpful there.  One kid learned to drive after taking up swimming as the ability to use all limbs together in one activity was key. Another had tantrums quieted by equine therapy...though it was cheaper just to do horseback riding lessons so we did that and it still worked. By the time we got to kid 5 we decided to try drama classes. Much more fun than story boards. This has been phenomenal and the only thing we have used. She still has comorbid ADD but we have been patient and she is now 14 and growing into her brain.  I have heard good things about karate for boys.  By the way I am an RN and my husband is a PA.  We have to have scientific evidence to back up any therapies.  Incidentally my husband and I are probably on the fringes of some spectrum disorder because we both discovered we read all the encyclopedias in our separate homes growing up, had intense interests and liked it when people followed rules.  We grew up without therapies,  had wheat had milk and even drank water from the hose. I am here lying next to this wonderful soul who has been my best friend for 35 years and thinking I wouldn't have things AOW...any other way.


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