
Showing posts from 2023

October 29

How has your week been? If you have seasons where you are serving I hope you've enjoyed the cooler weather. If you are in a desert like Vegas, then you are enjoying this change for sure! I bet many wards had trunk r treats! I did not get to attend ours due to work, but I heard it was great! I didn't end up going to the temple as I've been sick, but I did put everyone's names in five temples .  Alphabetical order  made it easier to remember your names. I did Elder Arnold, Elder Ball, Sister Budge, Elder LeVangie, Elder Randolph, Elder Rawlings, Elder Wagner, Elder Zygmont. I put your names in Guam, Sydney, Nigeria, Washington DC and some other place in Africa I can't remember.I have been working on breathing a lot this week cuz of season changes and my asthma.  I found I would breathe in and out with my patients in labor more cuz it helped me too!  Today, though, I left sacrament early to go to the ED.  My breathing had gotten more labored and I developed a rash ...

Letter Week 10/22/23

Hello! How are you? Did you have an interesting week? We did here. If anything, Vegas is rarely boring! I usually write on Mondays, but my day is stuffed full tomorrow so thought I'd better write something tonight. Plus we had a fantastic sacrament meeting today so I thought I might tell you about that before I forget. Sister Zygmont spoke about the talk from conference called, "The Savior's Healing Power on the Isles of the Sea". I remember when I heard this talk too and was amazed by what a sister from Okinawa went through during and after WWII. Sister ZYgmont spoke about how much sacrifice this sister and others went through, selling businesses and homes just to get funds to get to the temple to have their ancestors sealed. She said that it made her think here she had a temple so close in vegas and has she really made it a priority? When her kids were smaller it was hard, but now that her kids are older she and her husband have made the temple a priority and have...

Weekly letter to missionary

Happy Halloween season! I hope you have had a great week! I've felt a little better and not sure why. Whatever the reason, I am glad for it. I have found, though, that even during the times we do not feel good there is always something to be done through Christ who strengthens us. Sometimes it's a simple text, a smile. Sometimes it's talking to someone at the gas station. I enjoyed Bro. Dunafin's testimony this month where he mentioned this quote from C.S. Lewis, "There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilization—these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit—immortal horrors or everlasting splendors. " Maybe it really is true that by small and simple things great things are brought to pass and that everyone we meet really is a cool person (just sometimes in disguise)! My reading has been in Moroni this ...


You have been on my mind! You may argue, "Aw...this is a "form letter" or group letter to all the missionaries in the ward, how is "that" personal?" "Heck, I don't know Sister Budge that well, why is she writing to me? " Or, you might even think, "Oh, no! Another letter from home, I hope I don't have to personally respond." I am setting your mind at ease by saying, "You don't have to respond!" And/or maybe this letter is more for me...kinda like when you prepare a talk or lesson it's more for the person preparing it. I was looking at the ward bulletin last week and the missionary list stood out to me. We have 8 missionaries serving from the ward! WOW! That's gotta be some kind of record! I also had the impression, "You could pray for the missionaries in your ward by name! You could also write to them!"Then I was listening to the talk by sister "Runia" in general conference about ...

August 2023 BGAC

This is the first installment of "The BGAC Family Monthly Newsletter". I will add more ACRONYMS as the family grows! Budge,Goodwin,Albright,Crystal! HAHAHA! I absolutely love our growing family! August 2023 has been a busy month, as usual, and as the summer comes to a close, I am so very grateful and thankful for family! Lauren is keeping busy with her job working for Morgan and Morgan (law firm) and I love how she keeps us in the loop about trending dangers(example: be careful cuz the floors at Walmart are very slick and you might fall and have to sue). She was nominated as agent of the month in June and we are SO proud of her and know she makes a difference in the lives of the less fortunate! She went to a concert by the group GHOST in SLC and her videos reminded me a little bit about the movie EUROVISION with Will Farrell!!! This European style of music still relies heavily upon accoustic techno and I believe this plucks my "80's" roots and makes me want...

Trash Can Hero

There was a guy named Nathanael in biblical times. Not a lot is known about his background or profession, but he did have a friend named Philip. One day his Philip comes by his house and says, "Hey, Nate, why don't you come with me and we will go see this super cool rabbi. He might even be the chosen one and he is from Nazareth. Nathanel says, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Perhaps this meant Nazareth was not the most popular place back then and might have even been known as one of those arm-pit sorts of towns like Barstow, California😅???? Anyhow, despite his misgivings Nathanael still agrees to go. Surprisingly,  when the rabbi  "Jesus" sees Nathanael he acts like they already know each other and he  says,"Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile!" Nathanael is stunned and replies, “Whence knowest Thou me?” Nathanael did not remember having met Jesus before, so he was probably shocked when Christ acts like he knows him. Jesus...


President Nelson stated in 2018, “Our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, will perform some of his mightiest works between now and when he comes again. We will see miraculous indications that God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, preside over this church in majesty and glory. But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.” In college, I met President Nelson and he had the kindest eyes I have ever seen. I knew in my heart he was a servant of the Lord and I trusted him implicitly. So...I believe what he says. I believe we have to seek the companionship of the Holy Ghost more than ever. I do not worry about what the prophet says, but sometimes I worry I make too many mistakes. AND sometimes I worry that the Holy Ghost will quit wanting to hang out by me. Like maybe my mistakes will make me gnarly, muted, or even a little stinky! Like the kind of stink that only LUME deodorant ca...


I have been stuck in one chapter in my scriptures for awhile. It is no matter ,though, as I am not reading something beginning to end just to say I have read it. I do know I have benefitted greatly from reading from the word of God on a daily basis. I don't know why I thought I could be more casual in my reading. Would I ever decide I didn't need food? Like, feeding my physical body is important, but it's OK to ignore food for my soul? I can try to analyze the need for spiritual sustenance, but in the end, even the study of such a thing would probably not prove fruitful. Just like the study of nutrition without consuming food would not feed me, the study of spiritual food without consuming the word of God would leave me still hungry. Maybe it took a child totally turning their back on not only religion, but God in general to scare me. To see her soul hungry and looking for spiritual food in the wrong places and just being hungrier. Maybe it took this event for me to dec...