
Some people do not like their in-laws. I kinda like mine. Mainly they are fascinating to talk to, well-read and up on current events. I have shied away from disclosing to them that I am not of a Republican persuasion,but that for years I have taken each political persons agenda, picked it apart and scrutinized my choices before voting. I was surprised to hear they were the same way and were annoyed with those who voted a purely democratic or republican. I have been reviewing the constitution with Jess this year and I adore our founding fathers! These dudes were no nonsense fellows with a clear goal in mind.The day to day preservation of basic human liberty! They did not agree on everything,but they were dears! My in-laws called them statesmen and said even back then they warned of the day when political offices might be bought with money! How right they were! I found my 13-year old was always present in the room, along with Jess moving constantly around, b...