February 2nd, 2021:

 I am in a trio again! Whoot!!! We just had transfers and we are in a trio! I am still in the same area with Sister Larsen and Sister Ellertson has joined our companionship! It has been a good week! We have had many good lessons where the spirit was there and many miracles! We said goodbye to all those leaving the zone this past week and we had a social media training on how to find people through Facebook! Then, we got to welcome all the new missionaries in the zone last week! It has been a really good week! I studied humility this past week! I love how it talks about humility as being grateful to God and acknowledging his Hand more in your life! Sometimes I only focus on aligning your will with God's will is being humble! There is more to it we can be humble by showing our thanks to him and giving him the glory for what He has done!

Last district 
New companionship

Jan 5th, 2021:
We have had so many busy P-Days! I haven't written in a little bit! We are in the third week of the transfer so the third P-day of the transfer! The first P-day was busy, but that Tuesday was really cool! We went to the mall in my area to pick up my past comp leggings and we decided to talk to people who were at the mall! Sister Larson prayed that we can find someone new to teach! It was amazing we gave out 5 pass-along cards and met one lady named Shar! While we were at the mall we were wondering if we should keep finding or do tasks! Sister Larson said we should find and we were slowly being guided by the spirit in the direction we were supposed to go on! We saw two people and we felt drawn to this one lady (Shar) She told us she was just reading the bible and she opens up us to about her life! She told us she lost her job bc of covid!!! She wants to meet with us again! 
Then,  these past few weeks we have had a lot of missionary meetings for zone conference Christmas, and New Year's Eve! A big theme I felt was the importance of change and how we are all called at this precise time to His work!  I feel very strongly the importance of this! I know the greatest thing we can be doing for those around us is bringing others to Christ Church! Think about how the gospel has blessed you? Then think about who you know in your life that could benefit from the gospel of Jesus Christ right now and act on that prompting! 
You should read all of this talk Hope of Israel by President Russell M. Nelson and Wendy Nelson! 
Here are some of my favorite quotes:
"Now, we would like to talk with you about the greatest challenge, the greatest cause, and the greatest work on earth. And we want to invite you to be part of it!
That gathering is the most IMPORTANT thing taking place on earth today. Nothing else compares in magnitude, nothing else compares in importance, nothing else compares in majesty. And if you choose to, if you want to, you can be a big part of it. You can be a big part of something big, something grand, something majestic!
You were sent to earth at this precise time, the most crucial time in the history of the world, to help gather Israel. There is nothing happening on this earth right now that is more important than that. There is nothing of greater consequence. Absolutely nothing.
This gathering should mean everything to you. This is the mission for which you were sent to earth.
It is my testimony that when we follow through with whatever the prophet of God asks us to do, the way will be opened and lives will be changed."
I know Russell M. Nelson is a prophet of God! I know he asks us to gather Isreal this responsibility is on all of us! I know there is an unexplainable joy that comes from sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ! A question the mission president asks us missionaries is: What does it mean to you personally that a prophet is on the Earth today? I know if I follow the prophet I will stay on the straight and narrow path! I won't be confused with the things of the world, but I will be focusing on what God wants me to do in my life! 
Few miracles have happened! One miracle we were dropping by a referral and a dog kept following us! We got an appointment with the referral and then followed the Dog back to his owner! We found a man super interested in learning more and passed him over to the Beaverton Sisters! Also, with another referral we drop by around 9 bc a lesson went a little late and felt like we should still drop by! I gave a gentle knock at first bc I didn't want to wake anyone up and prayed Heavenly father what would you like us to do and I felt I was told to just knock one more time and we did! The daughter of the Referal answer and she is interested! If we wouldn't have gone that night she would have been out of town for the next 2 weeks! We drop by again last Tuesday and the mom was there this time and we taught her and she was so open!
Another really amazing thing! This last Sunday someone we are teaching came to church and I loved what she said! She said as I was at church I loved that there was not a cross on the wall because we shouldn't be focusing on us killing our Brother Jesus! It should be more about the resurrection! She said the spirit is what told her that! I know the Holy Ghost speaks through the Light Of Christ! I know what we teach is helping others remember what they have already known from the pre-existence! Everything we teach points back to Christ! 
We also just had a miracle today! We wanted to make sure that we would talk to people at the store today! We prayed specifically for someone we can talk to to make their day and give a Book Of Mormon to someone! Randomly, a lady approaches us at the store and she took a Book Of Mormon from us! Then, as we were leaving the store I said hi to this lady she gives a confused face and she like who are you! We said we are missionaries for Jesus Christ and she said what do you do! We serve and help others she said what kind of help! We said anything! She pointed us to her sister in the Van and said she needs help go ask her! She grabs the number we grabbed hers and she took a book of Mormon and we will be going over tomorrow!😊I know God is in the details of our lives! He is aware of each of us! He is the rock that gives us support when we need it!!!

My comp
On hike with the sisters 
Service with the district 

Dec, 8th 2020:
It was a good week! 
Last Tuesday Night,  Darrel was baptized! He is an amazing example to me for excitement to give his life to God! He is from Marshal Island and his second language is English! We had some re-assigned missionaries that serve in the Marshal Island help teach him! Some of the Darrel catchphrases are:
Coffee is garbage, whenever he agrees with something he will say amen! My favorite when he got baptized bye bye world! His pure heart is really there and I love his desire!
We had a leadership meeting and it was amazing! I have been studying my purpose as a missionary section a lot lately and I have felt so blessed to be a missionary and the power of its calling! 
I know everyone can be a missionary! Not necessarily being set apart, but everyone can obtain the blessings of doing missionary work! 
I gave a talk on Sunday! Here it is:
My name is Sister Budge I have been in this ward for a month, and I love it here! Everyone is so kind and shows much hospitality! 

Will you all grab a pen and paper for this?

Today I was asked to speak on "That they may see," by Bonnie H. Cordon

I wanted to start my talk with this question 
How has Jesus Christ been a light for you? I truly want you to think when the Lord has been a light for you? (Wait for a few seconds)---Write down the thoughts and feelings you receive 

Hopefully, that was  the right amount of time
Many are looking for this peace! For this light! We cant bundle it all to ourselves!

Sister Bonnie H. Cordon says, 

😁"By virtue of the Restoration of His gospel, we can be filled with the light of our Savior. However, that light is not meant for you and me alone. Jesus Christ has called upon us to “let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” I have come to love the phrase “that they may see.” It is an earnest invitation from the Lord to be more intentional about helping others see the path and thereby come unto Christ."

I love this we have the opportunity to let our light so shine! This past week we have talked to a couple of you about doing the light the world, and I could feel that each of your testimony is going to impact someone! I know all of you have a light that needs to shine!

Sister Cordon goes onto her talk and says,
😁"My dear brothers and sisters, for years I’ve pondered the principle I learned from Elder Perry. The Lord’s invitation to let our light so shine is not just about randomly waving a beam of light and making the world generally brighter. It is about focusing on our light so others may see the way to Christ. It is gathering Israel on this side of the veil—helping others see the next step forward in making and keeping sacred covenants with God."

Shining our lights isn't just being an example! It is finding ways to help others come unto Christ!

As I read 3nephi 12:14-16 think of ways you will let your light shine for others to see a way to Christ
3nephi 12: 
14 Verily, verily, I say unto you, I give unto you to be the light of this people. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
15 Behold, do men light a candle and put it under a bushel? Nay, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house;
16 Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven

We cannot hide our lights from others! We cant put it under a bushel and we NEED to help others Come Unto Christ

We can all probably raise our hands and say this was a trying year! But by the end of this month, we can all raise our hands and say we made this world a brighter place! Help others see the way to Christ! I plead you too! For now, is the greatest time!

In the guide the scripture it says, 
"One manifestation of the light of Christ is conscience, which helps a person choose between right and wrong (Moro. 7:16). As people learn more about the gospel, their consciences become more sensitive (Moro. 7:12–19). People who hearken to the light of Christ are led to the gospel of Jesus Christ (D&C 84:46–48)."

Every single person has the light of Christ within themselves! We need to help them find it! There are many ways to do so!

The lord is my light, To bring the world it truth, Mosiah 16:9

I am going to give another few minutes Make a list of action items you will do this December to point others to see the light of Christ! Will you accomplish it? 

Promise blessings- 
1. You will not fear or doubt 
2. You feel unity within your home
3. Your foundation of Christ will become firm 
4. your weakness will become strong 
5. You will find Hope and Light

End of talk.

The world is increasing in darkness in despair, but why don't we fill it with hope and light! Give someone a book of Mormon, share your testimony on social media, share quotes from a general conference, prayerfully send a church video to someone! There are so many opportunities! Now, is the time to help others come unto Christ! Give them the opportunity to find peace in Christ! 

Let me know your experience!😁

Darrel baptism 
Love this picture of Jesus 
These are my roomies

December 1st, 2020:
It has been a good week! The ward here is very nice! Thanksgiving was very fun!! We ate at our bishop house and at night we played scatter ball with some other missionaries!!! 
I loved doing the invite from President Russell M. Nelson's thankful post! There are so many good things going on around us! We have our families, God, Jesus Christ, and scriptures, etc... I am very grateful to be able to serve a mission and help others come unto Christ!
I am really grateful for a prophet on the Earth today who can lead us to truth and right! 
In his last talk, he said, 
"During these perilous times of which the Apostle Paul prophesied, Satan is no longer even trying to hide his attacks on God’s plan. Emboldened evil abounds. Therefore, the only way to survive spiritually is to be determined to let God prevail in our lives, to learn to hear His voice, and to use our energy to help gather Israel.
As you study your scriptures during the next six months, I encourage you to make a list of all that the Lord has promised He will do for covenant Israel. I think you will be astounded! Ponder these promises. Talk about them with your family and friends. Then live and watch for these promises to be fulfilled in your own life." 
I have been doing this for the past few weeks! Doing this has made my scripture study more meaningful and there is an endless list of what the Lord has promised! I would invite each of you to start! I would love for you to email what you find! There are so many promises in there such as Scatter Isreal being gathered, The Book Of Mormon coming forth, Joseph Smith, etc...
The bishop house for thanksgiving! 

November 17th, 2020:
Transfer just happened! It's crazy I just left my area that I was there for 5 transfers, and now I am serving in the Portland Stake!  
When I came into this area! There was a man who is married to a part member family and has been taught by missionaries in the past! Well, this last Monday He called the Sisters and told them he wanted to get baptized! He has retaught everything in a week, and was already living it! When I came into the area on Thursday we were helping him get baptized on Sunday!
Right before the transfer, I lost my wallet and phone because I forgot I put them on the top of the car! While we were driving, they flew off somewhere! We started praying and we drove around searching for it! I thought why did I bring my wallet I usually don't! We all felt like we should go back to one of the stops we made, and there was a man who found it and gave it to me! He messages me on Facebook while he had my phone which was awesome because I have been able to message him back and forth about the gospel! We both agreed that God puts people in our path for a reason!
This past week, I have been really filled with immense gratitude for the gospel! I know there is so much peace that comes from living the gospel! A scripture I love is 
D&C 6
34 Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.
36 Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.
When we point our thoughts towards Christ that is what will bring us the most peace and calmness in this life! The world will try to pull us in many ways, but remember the simple things(prayer, scripture study, come follow me, etc....) These simple things each day will help support us in trying times! 
A couple of weeks ago in my last area on Monday! We had to move apartments but it was super fun! We had other missionaries that help us! 

Sisters that live with us

Zone conference 

Oct 27,2020:
I am so sorry! I am really bad at weeklies! I am going to try to be better
I wanted to start with a spiritual thought
I have been thinking a lot about finding the positive in the little things and recognizing God’s hand in my life! Yesterday, we decided to stop by one member's home and it was very spirit-led because He said something that really hit home to me! He spoke a lot about the patriarchal blessings and man oh man it was sooooo good! He said the Book Of Mormon is made for all of us and we can definitely get answers to our questions, but a Patriarchal blessing is very individual to you! He asked us “when was the last time we read patriarchal blessings?” For me, It had been a few weeks. He said, “A Patriarchal Blessing is very personal to us and He said we should go in reading with questions in mind!” After hearing this I could feel how mindful God is of us!  
Alma 26:
37 Now(put your name in), we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now, this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen.
I know God will not take away all our trials but He will comfort us! He will stand side by side with us and will be our crutch! 
27 Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success.
John 14
27 peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
These are some of the scriptures that I felt I should share and I hope we can find the peace that Christ has to offers us! Don’t be hard on yourself! Love yourself! Know you are not ever alone!
Some update on things: 
We had zone training which was fun. We did it on planning because new missionaries were coming in! It was really fun to train on that, and our Mission President and wife came into 
We also had a mission leadership meeting about teaching!
There are always many miracles! It is so cool because there are miracles every day we just have to recognize them!

With some sisters in the zone
Got to see my trainer 
Got to go to the Temple because my comp had to go through for her endowment!

October 6,2020
Man, these are definitely not weeklies! Haha, It has been a great past few weeks!!!!! I have been with some awesome companions! 
We as missionaries have been using the churches a lot for Wifi, and meetings! We as a mission volunteer to clean the church building which was really fun! It was a throwback to when I would clean with my family! 
I also gave a talk in my ward! We don't have a church in person right now, but they broadcast talks from the Chapel! They ask my companions and me to speak! It was the camera looking at us and we were speaking on a huge T.V. monitor with people's video cameras! 
This past week!
We had a zone conference!!! This was really fun we did it outside so we could meet with more people! We had an easy up, and they built tower-like in king Benjamin it so cool!!! I just love the theme of Doubt Not Fear Not! I love D&C 6:34; 36! 
We did service on Friday we patch someone's house and paint! We also help pass put food boxes! 
I know the savior is so aware of each and every one of us! As you read 3nephi 17 think about how the savior knows you personally!

Sept 1st 2020:Wow! So sorry it has been a while since I have written my weekly! A few updates, I am still in my
 same area, and at the end of this transfer, it will be 6 months in this area! I am also in a trio right now! It is such
 a party, and they are the sweetest! I was a companion with one of them before, Sister Murdock for a few weeks
 when covid hit, and one of my other comps had to go home! My other comp is Sister Moore, and she just came
 out of the MTC!  It has been such a great transfer so far! 

We had a baby zone conference; they made the zones smaller, so we could do zone conferences! There was a big 
focus on working with members on missionary work! We got to do training for the zone on how to work on member 
trust! Members are soooooo important in missionary work! I honestly had no idea how crucial members are until
 I came on my mission!

The family history class has been going well! Last week, we asked a family history consultant to teach the class over
 zoom, and she couldn't figure out how to work her mic! We had two minutes before the class was about to start, so 
it was impromptu! I just started teaching random facts about family history while my comps were trying not to
 laugh! I was able to prolong it pretty well! Haha, It was actually really fun!

We had a Missionary Leadership Meeting last Friday! It was so awesome! One thing that really stood out to me is 
the saying, “It is not about you!” I love this because a few days last week were a little hard which made me think a
 little inward, and focusing on myself! We need to let go of ourselves, and trust in God more! This life is a time to
 prepare to meet with God!  A scripture I really like from last week come follow me is 
Helman 12:

1 And thus we can behold how false, and also the unsteadiness of the hearts of the children of men; yea, we can see
 that the Lord in his great infinite goodness doth bless and prosper those who put their trust in him.

7 O how great is the nothingness of the children of men; yea, even they are blessed than the dust of the earth.
8 For behold, the dust of the earth moveth hither and thither, to the dividing asunder, at the command of our
 great and everlasting God.
9 Yea, behold at his voice do the hills and the mountains tremble and quake.
10 And by the power of his voice they are broken up, and become smooth, yea, even like unto a valley.
11 Yea, by the power of his voice doth the whole earth shake;
12 Yea, by the power of his voice, do the foundations rock, even to the very center.
13 Yea, and if he says unto the earth—Move—it is moved.
14 Yea, if he says unto the earth—Thou shalt go back, that it lengthen out the day for many hours—it is done;
 I love these verses because if there is a God who can do all that moves valleys cause the Earth to shake! Why 
don’t we trust him more often? Someone who is that powerful why don’t we seek more of his will instead of pushing 
our will on him! I know when we turn to Heavenly Father asking;  What can I learn from this? What do I need to be
 doing right now?, and how can I be better? We are opening up more opportunities for God to help us reach our full
Something else, I have to strengthen my testimony of this past week is our life on Earth! I take for granted this 
Earthly experience we are living in! We are so blessed we have been granted this time to learn soooo much, and 
let God shape us into our better selves! This is a time where we can be prepared to live 
with God again in full glory! Yes, life is hard, but if it was always easy we never would learn! It reminds me of 
when I was turning a math assignment the teacher asked how it went, and I said it was a
 little harder than usual, but I still work really hard! He said, “That’s great that means you are learning!” This life
 is only for a short time! Don't waste it! 
I also have been filled with a lot of gratitude lately! I am so grateful to be a missionary! Preaching the gospel is
 the greatest work and the most important work on this Earth! Words can't describe the joy that comes from
 sharing the gospel! I am so grateful to be serving the Lord! 

Out with my comps
Eating with the sisters in the zone
Zone conference

July 21,2020:Another week in July! I can't believe it! 

It was good we had another exchange this past week! For the exchange, I got to go back to the area where I was
 trained! We drove around downtown Portland, and went outside of a member's house who had cute bunnies!
 I am glad I wasn't in the ward at that moment because they gave us bunny meat to eat home! I escape that
 pickle! I had a great exchange she is an awesome sister! 
Then, we did service helping load food boxes into people's cars and it was great!
This last week has been mostly the same Facebook finding, video lessons, but a great week! We also went to 
a member's porch and roasted some biscuits and put the pudding in it! Yummy!!! There is a name for it but
 I can't remember!

Something this past week that has been a huge theme is the small and simple things! I was in a meeting with
 President and Sister Haymond they shared about the small and simple things! They also shared this scripture: 

6 Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things
 are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
7 And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; by very small means the
 Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls.

They ask what I like about it and I said sometimes I can overcomplicate things, but it is important to keep it simple
 because the gospel is simple! 

This transfer I have been working on faith and not quite sure where to begin or how to go about it! Then, during 
one study the spirit brought to my remembrance when Russell M. Nelson invited the young adult to read in the 
topical guide Jesus Christ read every verse cited about Jesus Christ, as listed under the main heading and the 57
 subtitles! I felt like I really need to do it! I started reading it for a few minutes during lunch /or dinner! Wow, just 
within these few days I have strengthened my testimony of who He is! The first one I read is the bread of life, and
 after reading it I wrote down what I learn about Jesus Christ is the bread of life and to me, it means he fulfills
 our lives! He is the only one who can truly fulfill our life! I learn so many truths this week about Him! 

This was such a simple change in my day that had such a huge impact on my testimony this past week! Find one
 little change you can make and great things will be brought to pass! It is by the small and simple things are great 
things brought to pass! Simple things like praying every night or reading a few verses a day from the Book of
 Mormon! The gospel isn't for people with certain levels of testimony it is for everyone NO matter where they are 
at in life! 

I just really had a strong testimony of how small and simple things can impact your testimony! I am grateful for
 my savior, and all that he has sacrificed for me! 

These were pictures from the exchange!

🎊WEEKLY FOR THE WEEK!🎊July 14,2020This past week has been really good!
 We have been striving to get four-lesson every night meaning teaching members, people of interest, Facebook, 
text, or teaching other missionaries! When were daily planning on Monday I saw on our calendar we need another
 lesson, and I felt like we should ask the Sherwood Elders if we could teach them that night! I know all four of us
 missionaries needed that lesson! The spirit was so strong! We talk about embracing the gospel and the blessings
 that come from it! We talk about repentance and how whenever you repent the Lord remembers them no more! 
Sometimes we still do and we wonder have we really been forgiven! Like my dad said we don't always receive a text 
message from Heavenly Father saying you are forgiven! We have to exercise our faith that Christ's atonement and
 grace are sufficient! If you are feeling the spirit in your life you are forgiven! I shared with them what my awesome
 Bishop back at home told me, the closer you are to the spirit the more your sins hurt! The elder said that's in the
 Book of Mormon Ether 12:27 he said we focus so much on the second half of the scripture but not the beginning it
 says, " And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness." When we are trying to align our lives more
 towards Christ He will show us our weakness!" When we are striving to really be closer to God the spirit will help 
show us our weakness! I am actually grateful for that because when I recognize my mistakes or sins I can become
 better, so I can be more ready to meet with God! Something they invited us to do is to pray to ask God to see
 ourselves as God sees us! Sometimes it's easy to see others with love, but not always ourselves! I prayed that night
 and I can't deny how much God loves me! I felt as if I was being hugged by him, and I felt his fatherly love! I can't
 describe in words how much I felt I was so loved!
This week we had a Missionary leadership meeting some of the takes ways I got from it:
 We often can be hard on ourselves and sometimes we focus on what we cant do and can't control instead of 
focusing on what we can control and do! We can go outside, we can have positive attitudes, we can find ways to
 be grateful! When you lose yourselves in the service of others I promise you can find joy in this hard time! Hard 
times no matter what will keep coming and that's okay to have a life filled with some disappointment just make 
sure you are always facing Christ!

For some service: We pulled weeds at someone's house on Wednesday, on Thursday we help at a catholic church 
putting food into people's cars, Saturday we raked a member's house which was really fun! 

I went on two different exchanges with some awesome Sisters it was so fun! You learn so much from other 
missionaries, and I will be going on another exchange with the last set of sisters on Saturday! It was fun on 
yesterday's exchange we just went outside picking up trash, and we were thankful for it!:) Doing simple acts
 of service makes a big difference! 

I would invite all of you tonight to pray to see yourself as God sees you! I know if you do this tonight you will 
feel God loves you! I know he loves you so much!

Pic 1 driving randomly somewhere cant remember 
Pic 2 and 3 we have friendly bird friends living next to us
Pic 4 one of the exchanges!

Jun 30th, 2020:
WOW, lots have happened!!!😊 

The transfer was a week ago, and Sister Colton and I are staying together in Hedges Creek until August 12th! We
 help drop some sisters off at transfer! Our mission President and wife officially have left, and now President and
 Sister Haymond are here!!!! I am grateful for the Mission President and their wives they give up so much to this 
We had the opportunity to do some service this past week which was really fun! We did it at a church and box up
 food for people! 
This last Saturday was really cool! When I was with Sister Buchi she messaged someone from Facebook Finding 
who lives near us! Sister Buchi message her just at the perfect timing because she was praying to God what church 
to join! We taught her over video call and invited her to be baptized! Then, we found out she lived in the ward next
 to us, so we refer her over! She was baptized this last Saturday, and I got to go! It was such a spiritual experience!
 She talks about how happy and at peace she felt at her baptism! 
Missionary work is very different now, but the purpose is the Same! It has been a new thing to adapt to the way
 things work, but we have been blessed with the tools we have! Facebook Finding is an opportunity to go forth and
 bring his work to every corner of the world(with patience🤣)! 
This Sunday we got to teach a member co-worker which was really fun!!🤗
A question I get a lot and lately Why does God allow evil and suffering to occur? I have a strong testimony of why!
 If I had never suffered in my life why would I need to turn to God if all is well! We wouldn't feel the need to access 
Christ atonement as much Ethier! Sometimes we expect God to take away the hard times when in reality that's what
 strengthens us! In life, we are all going to go through some bumpy times, and it will be hard! I don't know why
 certain things always happen, but we can push through it alone or we can turn to God for some comfort! I would
 much rather turn to God than face things alone! God allows hard things to happen because that is how we grow!
 Yes, there has to be an opposition in all things! Plus, once you get over the hard times you will appreciate the good 
times even more! Not to say life is meant to be easy and as simple as what I describe, but I do know we arent not
 alone in the sufferings and evils in the world! I know God is so personally aware of each of us! I am grateful for
 Him and my family! I know we have much hope for things to come, and I can't wait!!! 

1. Did some service 
2. Members Asian soda 

June 9th 2020:This past week was good! We did a bunch of services last week! We help at Salvation Army, and that
 has been fun! We were putting boxes on into people's cars! We have also started becoming professional weed 
pullers because we get to do that a lot of it is pretty fun! We also have done a lot of sewing this past little bit of 
mask and pillowcases! I am grateful to do service it was one of my favorite things to do! 

 Mosiah 2:17 
 17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service 
of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

President Hinckley found success in dealing with his discouragement as he renewed his decision to serve the Lord.
 He later said: “The best antidote I know for worry is work. The best medicine for despair is service. The best cure 
for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is even more tired” (“Words of the Prophet: Put Your 
Shoulder to the Wheel,” New Era, July 2000, 7)

I love this quote because we find so much joy in looking for ways to help others, and not looking for ways to please 
ourselves! We find so much happiness when we are helping and loving one another!

I also got zoom Call in for baptism for someone we found and taught in my last area! He is awesome and I am so 
excited for him for the path has chosen! The spirit was very strong! 

1 and 2: Service at Salvation Army
3: Sewing 
4: Feeding a member 

May 26th, 2020:
This week were transfers! It was weird we had two transfer days and 30 reassigned missionaries coming in! I got a 
new companion named Sister Colton! She is awesome! 
A fun thing that happened this week was Dylan's baptism!
We get into the baptism room! Sister Buchi, I, Dylan, Bishop Kerr, and Sister Kerr, Jeffrey, Forest, and Loren were
 all in the room!! We could only have a certain amount of people there, and we had all the chairs spread out!  It was
 really cool when the baptism was performed! Dylan enters into the font, and I immediately felt the spirit so strong
 as he was baptized!!! It's crazy!!! I was also able to be a witness for the first time ever it was amazing! Afterward,
 Sister Buchi gave her talk and shared the quote that it won't be possible to survive spiritually without the constant
 guidance of the Holy Ghost! Then, she shared the scripture that we read with Dylan in April which talk about a
 diligent seeker! When Sister Buchi and I heard him read that verse, the spirit so distinctly told us you need to
 invite him to be baptized he has been seeking this his whole life! She ended with an amazing testimony!! After 
her, I went up and gave a talk about temples and family history to get him excited for the temple when it opens
 back up! When I shared my talk about the temples, I was filled with the spirit so strongly! I had the opportunity to
 share my own witness and the power of Family History too! I then read quotes from the David A Bednar talk in
 April 2020 about the temples!!! When I read that quote Christ works from the inside out and the world works from
 the outside in,  I was filled so strongly with the spirit! I can't fully describe the feeling, but I was filled with peace
 and gratitude for my savior! Soon after my talk, Dylan was then given the gift of the Holy Ghost!!! Wow, the room
 was filled with the spirit! It was amazing! Soon after, Bishop Kerr conferred the Aaronic priesthood and ordained 
him to the office of a priest! That was the first time I was in a room where someone was given the priesthood it was
 such a unique experience!
Going to his baptism filled me with joy and a smile couldn't leave my face! As you are in the service of the Lord, 
there is happiness that comes into your life! Every time we taught Dylan we would be filled with much joy! There 
are so many blessings that come into our lives when we are sharing the gospel! I also have such a strong testimony 
of this quote, "The Lord’s invitation to let our light so shine is not just about randomly waving a beam of light and
 making the world generally brighter. It is about focusing our light so others may see the way to Christ." It is so 
crucial we help others find their way to Christ!
An invite: Will you prayerfully think of someone to share gospel truth with this week? You will never know the 
difference it will make in someone's life! I promise as you share the Gospel the Lord is pleased with every effort
 you make no matter the outcome!
1.Dylan Baptism 
2.A member asked if we could make pillowcases for a hospital!

☀️😇We are Children of God☀️😇May 12,2020
We are getting ALL of Portland in the Portland Oregon mission! We are also getting a lot of missionaries being 
reassigned to our mission! 
It's really amazing! These past few weeks, I have felt I need to study what does it mean to me that I am a Child Of 
God!? We literally say we are Children of God all the time! I wonder what do I need to be doing as a Child of God!? 
I would pray and I wasn't really getting anything! Then, I started studying it way more! It was crazy because once I
 started studying it more we had, a missionary institute class last Wednesday, we read Moses 1 and we talk about 
the power of being a Child of God!
As I kept studying one of my answers came to me that it's important to serve others because seeing others as God
 does is a gift! As children of God, it is important to help one another! Satan will try to beat up on our knowledge
 of being a child of God because there is so much worth being a Child of God! There is so much power in having 
the knowledge of being a child of God! The answer I received wasn't all at once, but it came through different
 means! It was really cool because it not only taught me patience but if I want more knowledge or understanding 
I need to study it out wait for the Lord's time!
He also answers my question because through this whole week we ended up focusing most of our lessons on being
 a Child of God because many people were wondering who God is, and is he really there! I also Learned Knowledge 
comes through an effort by study and faith! When we are seeking answers to life questions we can't just ask God
 and expect our answer! We have to put forth the effort, and be patient because God will answer in his own time! 
These two miracles that happen this past week built my testimony that God is aware of all of His Children!
It crazy last week I went to go buy pens at staples because I ran out! We walk over to staples because it is right next
 to where I live! I ended up buying a few more things like paper and I randomly decided I wanted more stamps! We
 start walking home and just a really simple thought came to my head your stamps aren't there! I walk back turn the
 corner and a girl picks it up! My companion said I think we drop those! She said oh here you go! We said thank
 you! It gets crazier! We met this lady a couple of weeks ago and she said was ready to talk more about God; 
however, we weren't able to get a hold of her these past few weeks! Get ready! She had an envelope in her hand
 without a stamp! Coincidence I think not! I gave her my stamp!  I just remember the simple voice telling me my 
stamps are gone before I even check if they had fallen out of my stuff! It is also crazy because if my stamps were
 to have somehow slipped out of my hand between my stuff something else should have slipped! 
To me, this shows how much God's hand is in everything when he is in the very simple little details of our lives! 
I am grateful for how much he cares about us individually! If you aren't feeling this way think of times when you 
have these little stamp moments and I can promise when you look for Him you will know he is there!
 Miracle TWO
Oh, Man!!! Oh, Man! I don't know what just happen!!! Sister Buchi and I were going for walk like we do!!! We have 
this trail by our house and I wanted to look for some birds so we ended up stopping at this scenic part of the trail! 
I was looking for birds, and I couldn't find any! I join Sister Buchi on the bench and normally we don't just sit and
 hang around, but we did! We sat and waved at some people! It was just really weird because we didn't leave the
 bench! I felt this feeling I can't describe, but I felt like we were waiting for someone! Sister Buchi and I weren't
 really say anything about staying, but both just ended up sitting around! Every person that walks by I was thinking 
is it this person I am waiting for! Who am I waiting for! I knew we couldn't leave until the person came! This is
 where it's CRAZY!!! A group of 4 people walks past us, and one of the guys from the group looks so familiar! I said
 to Sister Buchi that's the guy I have been Facebook messaging that I found on Facebook! We get off the bench, and 
go talk to them! We were all in shock!!! He is from here but lives in Utah at the moment, so there is SUCH a slim chance we would have bumped into him! There are no such things as coincidences! God is real!!!!😊
God places many miracles in our life some big some small! No matter the size we need to search for God's hand in
 our lives! I know we are children of God!
A quote from the thechurchofjesuschrist.org blog says,
"The identity of a child of God can NEVER, EVER be threatened or taken away from me. In fact, it is the only
 identity I’ve found that can’t.
It means there is something from my Heavenly Parents inside of me—some piece of divinity—and since I did
 nothing to deserve it, there is nothing I (or someone else) can do to take it away. I can’t become MORE “child of
 God” by my own merits, and I can’t become LESS “child of God” by my mistakes. I just am a child of God. The divine is just there."
1 and 2 services at members home working outside
3 out on a nature walk with Sister Buchi
4-6 pulling weeds at an elk lodges!

April 14th 2020:Transfer happen last week! I was so shocked that transfers still were happening! I left Gladstone 
and my trio! I am in Hedges Creek now with Sister Buchi! This is my second time I am with Sister Buchi! I was with 
her two transfers ago!  It was really cool right before I got transfer out of Gladstone we got to invite Justin to be
 baptized! He said, "Yes!" He got excited!!!!! We set a date for June 6th! Later that week we had a lesson with him
 and he read a chapter in the Book of Mormon and he really liked it because he said it is so relatable to him! He said
 it was relatable because it was talking about baptism and said I am getting baptized!❤😊

After that week, I got a transfer to Hedges creek! Transfers were a little different than usual, but it all works out! 
This past Sunday Sister Buchi and I lead the zone missionary to come follow me! It was fun! I have also been 
working on my Facebook Finding skills! Ooo, the church is having zones throughout missions to have a Facebook 
page, so we can spread the gospel this way too! Our Facebook page is Disciple of Jesus Christ in Tualatin! We are
 trying to get likes, etc... So it can spread! 

A thing I have been studying lately is personal revelation! One thing in a talk that stood out to me is that all we need
 to do is ask! Every time there was something revealed to Joseph Smtih was because he asks! When he wondered
 about how to be baptized he ask and got the priesthood! When he read a verse in the bible about the afterlife he
 asks and got the answer about the three kingdoms of glory! Oh, and of course the first vision is another great
 example! God didn't give all of this information at once to him he gave it line upon line, and after he asks! God 
wants to reveal the truth to us, but we have to have the desire to know! We have to Hear him! 

1 &2. We have pretty trails in our area
3. Last transfer eating homemade spring rolls! Yum!😋

Mar 31,2020
I am in a trio now! 
We had a video lesson with a few people this week! Justin is really cool! He told us how everything makes sense and
 how every scripture we have sent him was just what he needed! He finished one of his scriptures early before we 
did another video chat with him, so he asks us to send him another one! He loves the Book of Mormon! We also did
 come-follow me church with him! We did it with two other members through video chat it was really cool! He asks
 us during the study if he was allowed to make notes in his Book of Mormon! He loves doing video chat lessons with
 us!David and Tanya are so cute we were also able to do church with her too it was amazing, and they are the cutest! 
We got to volunteer at the bishop storehouse yesterday and that was fun! I have been studying more lately about the first vision, and the importance of prayer! There is so much power in prayer it is a gift from God! He wants to hear from us always! 
I love these Verses 
2nephi 32:
8 And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak
 concerning this thing. For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray, ye would know that
 ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray.9 But behold, 
I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform anything unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul.

I know this to be true! God always wants to hear from you and the more you turn to him 
through prayer he will help guides us to what the best path is for us!
March 24th,2020:
This past week we were able to go out up until Sunday and now we can go out for shopping or for a walk/exercise! 
On Wednesday, It was a miracle we got to go out last week a little bit before we were more isolated in our 
apartments! Because get ready for this Miracle! This man named Justin just texted us last Wednesday! A
 background of Justin: We met him coming out of his car with his kids and we waved at him!  We just started
 talking with him and he said he was open and intrested in learning more! The problem with Justin we weren't able
 to set a time to meet with him and so we didn't keep in contact with him! When we met him it was around January
 31st, and this past Wednesday he texted us, " I could use help and guidance. I'm at a complete loss right now. " 
We said of course and we called him over the phone and he said he is at a hard point in his life! He also told us he
 read the chapters we texted him to read a while back he said he felt something as he read it! He didn't have his
 book of mormon because he was staying somewhere else, so we drove over later in the day and gave him one! 
We told him to kneel and pray! Later on, we went over and he told us he prayed and got an answer! He also told me
 when Sister Gilbert and I first talk to him he said he definitely felt something as we were talking to him! He
 thank us so much for the Book of Mormon! You could see the gratitude and humility in his eyes! As we were
 walking out Justin didn't know we were behind him, but we saw him walk out hugging the Book of Mormon and he
 started reading it!This past week we have been teaching in creative ways! You can see the new ways on how to do
 missionary work! All our lessons now need to be used through technology!

Also, my companion is being sent home with a lot of other missionaries tomorrow and I will most likely
 be in a trio! 

Letter from Dani's mission president:
March 21, 2020
Dear Brother and Sister Budge,

We are grateful for the service of your daughter, Sister Budge, who is striving to build up the kingdom in the Oregon Portland Mission.  Your daughter is part of an outstanding group of faithful servants of the Lord.

With the challenges facing the world with the COVID-19 virus, there is a need for temporary adjustments for our 
missionaries.  Our young Elders and Sisters will work from their apartments using technology to find and teach.  
They will also be studying the scriptures and Preach My Gospel.  They will concentrate on online community service, family history and language learning.

Missionaries will be encouraged to leave their apartments for periods of fresh air and exercise, while observing
 guidelines for personal contact.  They should also stay in touch with their families on a frequent basis.  We are
 asking your daughter to visit with you twice weekly. 

The situation will continue to be monitored by the Church leaders and further adjustments will be made as
 needed.  We know that our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, are aware of our concerns and will be there
 to bless us as we follow their love and teachings.   

Thank you for your love and support!

President and Sister Bullen
Mission Leaders
Oregon Portland Mission

March 17,2020:
We have been teaching this older man named Gary and he is so cute! He has had many many questions! We are
 trying to steadily teach him! We took him to the Temple Visitor Center on Sunday! We talk about family being 
sealed as a family in the temple and he said he really wants to be with his family forever! We did a kneel now and
 the spirit was there! We went on Friday with him!Then on Sunday, we had a lesson with David and Tanya! We 
have been reading the Book of Mormon for the past couple of weeks, so on Sunday we decided to teach the 
restoration! After my companion recited the first vision it was quiet and Tanya said Wow and teared up! We ask 
how David felt and he said you could really feel the emotion as she was citiating it! The spirit was there, and you 
could see it in their faces! Another amazing thing, David said I have been alive for 59 years and have never knew 
what inside of the Book Of Mormon! He said where has it been his whole life! They want us to come back and teach
 them! On Sunday, we also got in contact with a lady we hadn't gotten in contact with in a while because she was sick, but we were able to share a scripture with her on her porch and leave her with a chapter to read! 
Yesterday we had a lesson with Zach! It was amazing! He was very skeptical about the spirit world because it is something unfamiliar to him! We read some scriptures and I bore my testimony I dont know everything! I don't need to know everything! But, what I do know is we have a loving God and I know the Book of Mormon is true! I have felt and cant deny it! Later, I extend an invitation and said Zach will you prayerfully read these chapters! He said, Yes! I said I know God will give you an answer if it true
 and then I said I promise! He started tearing up and said you are going to make me cry! We continue on with the 
lesson and told him he is a child of God and he has infinite worth and no one can take that away! The spirit was so
 strong in the lesson it was crazy! When it was quiet sometimes in the lesson you could feel the spirit so strongly!
 I can't explain the feeling I was having throughout the lesson, but I know it was the spirit! It was crazy!

I love the spirit and I have been studying a lot about this week! I am grateful for the spirit and I can feel it constantly in my life! It is usually through simple thoughts and feeling when I act on those feelings I can tell I was guided by the spirit! I know the spirit speaks to us all differently and individually and that to
 me shows God love for us! That he uses the spirit to speak to us in a way he personally knows we can feel it! The 
spirit guides more than we know we just need to recognize it! 

I want to extend an invite to you all! Will, you prayerfully read 2nephi 32 and write down how the spirit speaks 
to you? And/Or write down every day how you felt the spirit in your life?
I promise as you do that you will recognize the spirit more in your life! 

March 3rd, 2020:
Transfers just happened! I am in the same area in Gladstone and got a new companion her name is Sister Strak! 
On Wednesday there were transfers and then we went to the Temple Visitor Center with Zach! It was an amazing 
experience! He loved the temple so much! We walk around the grounds and he loved it! We then went into the 
Visitor Center and watch the Christus! He enjoyed it a lot because he said it felt more real listening to the narration!
 We watch the Ask of God video with Joseph Smith kneeling down in a groove(I recommend watching)! It shows
 he overcome with darkness and then light appears and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him! Zach
 liked this perspective because we all have hard times and Jesus Christ brings us hope!
We watch the pattern of light video it was so nice because most of the time our prayers aren't going to get big
 answers but they will be simple yet still impactful!

Jane, we took her to the Visitor Center on Thursday with her daughter and it was amazing! The spirit was strong 
and Jane can't wait to go inside the temple sometime! She ask how someone can go into the temple? She is the 

WOW, there have been so many miracles this week! The main focus this last little while has been on the restoration
 of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I love so much how in the first vision Joseph Smith was filled with darkness for some
 time, but then the light came upon him! I know that when it's hard that if you keep holding on you will find that
 light! I love this scripture so much!
Mosiah 16:9
9 He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life
 which is endless, that there can be no more death.

This scripture brings me so much hope Jesus Christ infinitely out ways the darkness! He is the source of truth of
 light! My invite to all of us is to immerse ourselves more in the study of restoration! Whether it is studying the
 Book of Mormon, or reading Joseph Smith History again! Because I promise if you do that you will find much
 peace and light in your life! I know Jesus Christ is the only way you will find true peace and joy in this life!

1.A member in our ward
2. Some cute place in my area
3. Sister Gilbert and I
4.My 6-month mark Sister Gilbert made for me

February 18,2020:
We had a lesson with a man named Zach on Wednesday and he is very smart! The lesson was really cool! He is
 truly seeking God and who he really is! He said a prayer and humble self before God! He is an example to me of
 humility! He is so funny! We sent him a talk and he texted us he said I listen to it and the one after! It turns out 
we think he listened to the prophets and apostles being sustained and the logistical stuff!😂🤣
 He is really seeking truth! He said if there is the truth I want to find it! 

Then, we had a lesson with Jolene right after! We talk about why we are here, and where we come from! The 
member at the lesson said she has meet people before for first time and felt like she has known them before! Then,
 Jolene just shared how she just felt like that earlier that day with someone! She shares so much of the same beliefs 
that we do! We also meet with her last night and she really wants to go to the Visitor Center at the temple! She saw 
the temple and was like O my goodness! That's is here! 

This last Friday we went and heart-attack some people we are teaching and I felt like I was in young women again!
 It was a blast! 

Michael's baptism was Saturday! It was really cool we got to fill the font! It was like filling a big bathtub! It was so
 cute to see him get baptized he was so excited! Michael testimony was amazing! He talks about how he hasn't felt
 this much joy since he was a teenager! He said he never thought he could be this happy again! He didn't some things he regrets! He said that he has been able to put that all behind him because of God! It was amazing to see the power of Jesus Christ atonement work in his life! I know Jesus Christ atonement is
 more powerful than we know! I know its important to have the faith that His Atonement will heal you! My testimony of the atonement of Jesus Christ has grown so much! I can't explain how it works, but it does! The atonement of Jesus Chrsit has changed my life! 

This scripture I love is Alma 7:11-12

11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might
 be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.12 And he will take upon 
him death, that he may lose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities,
 that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to
 succor his people according to their infirmities.

To have a belief in Christ and his sacrifice does change your life! I love sharing this scripture in an OYM(which is 
where you are streeting contacting or tracting). Many people have heard of the book of Mormon but haven't read it!
 When we share this scripture you can see the change in people's perspectives on how the Book of Mormon truly
 testifys of Jesus Christ! The spirit is so strong whenever you talk about Jesus Christ and his sacrifice! Really, he is
 the center of everything and we have to remember to keep him at the center of our lives! 

1.My district 
2. Michael baptism 
3.We ate after his baptism 

Attachments area

We have been teaching this older man named Gary and he is so cute! He has had many many questions! We are trying to steadily teach him! We took him to the Temple Visitor Center on Sunday! We talk about family being sealed as a family in the temple and he said he really wants to be with his family forever! We did a kneel now and the spirit was there! We went on Friday with him!
Then on Sunday, we had a lesson with David and Tanya! We have been reading the Book of Mormon for the past couple of weeks, so on Sunday we decided to teach the restoration! After my companion recited the first vision it was quite and Tanya said Wow and teared up! We ask how David felt and he said you could really feel the emotion as she was citiating it! The spirit was there, and you could see it in there faces! Another amazing thing, David said I have been a live for 59 years and have never knew what inside of the Book Of Mormon! He said where has it been his whole life! They want us to come back and teach them! On Sunday, we also got in contact with a lady we hadn't gotten in contact with in a while because she was sick, but we were able to share a scripture with her on her porch and leave her with a chapter to read! 
Yesterday we had a lesson with Zach! It was amazing! He was very skeptical about the spirit world because it is something unfamiliar to him! We read some scriptures and I bore my testimony I dont know everything! I dont need to know everything! But, what I do know is we have a loving God and I know the Book of Mormon is true! I have felt and cant deny it! Later, I extend an invitation and said Zach will you prayerfully read these chapters! He said, Yes! I said I know God will give you answer if it true and then I said I promise! He started tearing up and said you are going to make me cry! We continue on with the lesson and told him he is a child of God and he has infinite worth and no one can take that away! The spirit was so strong in the lesson it was crazy! When it was quite sometimes in the lesson you could feel the spirit so strongly! I can't explain the feeling I was having throughout the lesson, but I know it was the spirit! It was crazy!

I love the spirit and I have been studying a lot about this week! I am grateful for the spirit and I can feel it constantly in my life! It is usually through simple thoughts and feeling when I act on those feelings I can tell I was guide by the spirit! I know the spirit speaks to us all differently and individually and that to me shows God love for us! That he uses the spirit to speak to us in a way he  personally knows we can feel it! The spirit guides more than we know we just need to recognize it! 

I want to extend an invite to you all! Will you prayerfully read 2nephi 32 and write down how the spirit speaks to you? 
And/Or write down everyday how you felt the spirit in your life?
I promise as you do that you will recognize the spirit m


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