God's EYE

Last week I was at the doctor's office with Syd again. I made sure I parked at the West side of the building because they just opened a call center on the East side and the employees were out having a smoke and leaning on my car the last time I was there. I don't drive a Rolls Royce, but I just prefer to have some bubble space around my vehicle.  Sometimes I become weary driving the same route, pushing the same button on the elevator then trying the same funny doorknob that always seems to stick at that office.  They have a big screen TV  that perpetually seems to be turned to the news channel to keep the occupants in the room entertained and deflected from the fact that their butts are sweating on the plastic-backed chairs.   Yes, a lot of times I pack a snack and water bottle to keep my blood sugar up during our vigils there. This week someting happened that made me pause from all of the mundane plastic plant in the corner, ripped Time magazine cover activity.  Syd and I had set up camp fairly close to the TV this week.  Most of the news as of late has surrounded the issue of gun control.  The shootings over the holiday season have been horrific and deadly and have brought the state of our country and it's violence levels to the fore-front.  The usually loud room grew quiet when a certain speaker walked to a podium at a joint session of congress. I did not recognize the woman at first. She said, "“Speaking is difficult, but I must say something important. Violence is a big problem. Too many children are dying. Too many children.“We must do something,” she said. “It will be hard, but the time is now. You must act. Be bold. Be courageous. Americans are counting on you.”
Sydney looked over at me and said, "Who is that? What happened to her? She is right about too many  people dying,you 

For a moment, my eyes were misty as I realized it was Senator Gabby Gifford who was speaking to us.  Sydney could not have known this, but almost eighteen months ago I had been doing some research on cognitive therapy. Sydney had lost her short-term memory and I was looking for ways to help her regain function.  I was dismayed when I found that many insurance plans did not cover cognitive therapy as they deemed it experimental.  At THAT time, I saw the progress Senator Gifford was making and I cried bitter tears at the heavens wishing my Syd had access to the same types of interventions as Senator Gifford had.  I had even drafted a letter to a state senator explaining the benefits of cognitive therapy and asking for this to be extended to victims of all tramatic brain injury or other types of dementia.  Before I had time to submit it, I had a feeling to WAIT...to be PATIENT to let her medication work.
 Sometimes when I get this answer my mind goes back to a time when I was a young adult.  My dad had told me he needed to give me a Father's blessing.  It was before I was going to the Miss Idaho pageant.  In the blessing it said many wonderful things including the Lord was preparing my life so my career could advance in the way it needed to and he was preparing someone to take me to the temple.  He also cautioned me that I would be called on to WAIT a lot in my life for the Lord's time-table and I needed to listen for those times I would be stopped from pursuing a particular course. I am not by nature a patient person so when I heard this I knew it would be difficult, but this same admonition was repeated three times!!! To WAIT on the LORD. At other times, I have pursued too much, tried too much at the expense of our family and my marriage. This time I decided to listen.
When I heard the halting speech of Senator Gifford, bless her heart, and then the linear, fluid speech of Sydney, I knew I had witnessed a miracle.  Sydney's condition is mostly a chemical imbalance so benefits from chemical replacements. I am SO grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who gives us what we need when we need it and sees the end from the beginning. 

Jun 16, 2011 – In a USA Today article, Steve Sternberg reports that cognitive therapy, ...The initiative proposed by Congresswoman Giffords' staff would start that ..... if they are accepted into AHCCCS (Medicaide program for Arizona).


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